Our Resources

National Best Seller
Listed as a National Bestseller on the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Amazon books, The B2B Executive Playbook has been quoted as "the B2B Bible". The fate of your B2B company rests in the hands of a just a few people. Find out who they are and how they can drive sustainable, predictable and profitable growth in your company.

Articles & Whitepapers
Download and subscribe to our recent articles and blog posts for current business strategies. Geehan Group’s Executive Team discusses comprehensive B2B best practices including how to promote and grow your best customers, success tips to transform loyalty to customer advocacy, and recruiting techniques for Customer Advisory Boards and Summits.

Quarterly Newsletters
View our quarterly newsletters. This valuable resource is an excellent summary of customer program strategy and planning especially designed for program managers and executive leadership teams just starting or already running B2B executive customer programs. Learn about practical tools that identify and improve customer relationships for sustained value. B2B Customer Program Stories feature “How To’s,” success stories, pitfalls to avoid and proof points for Customer Advisory Boards, Executive Summits, and Executive Sponsor Programs.

Archived slide presentations from our CEO and Executive Team are available for your reference or may be viewed here or are available on SlideShare. Presentations include large public and private B2B Engagements from ITSMA, Loyalty Expo, BMA and AMA.